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Tag: supplements for women

The Most Essential Supplements For Women

Women are physiologically slightly more supportive than men. We need certain essential micronutrients that our bodies don't produce on their own, but that need to function properly. 

Ideally, we would get these nutrients through a varied complete diet, but the reality is that self-care is often the first thing that enters the work/family/life balance stream. You can find the best supplements for women via

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Here are the few main supplements and vitamins we need to optimize our health:

1. Multivitamins

If you're struggling to get your daily dose of fruit and vegetables and tend to eat out a lot, a multivitamin will help you cover your nutritional base and fill in the gaps. 

The reverse is also true: Anyone who eats more than five servings of fruit and vegetables per day and adds nuts, seeds, and several protein sources each day may be missing out on multifunctionality. 

2. Vitamin D

Over the past two decades, vitamin D has been the mainstay of bone health in women. It acts like a hormone, helping to move calcium and phosphorus – essential for bone health – into the bloodstream. 

When you are deficient in vitamin D, your body will scavenge calcium and phosphorus from your bones. Recent research on vitamin D suggests that in addition to maintaining healthy bones, vitamin D may play a key role in maintaining heart health, blood sugar health, and cell health.