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Tag: ipads for school

Fun Family Board Game for your iPad

The iPad has become one of the most versatile items one can own. There is a lot that can be achieved with this device. Now families can spend quality time together using an iPad. Listed below are board games that the whole family will have fun playing. People are now also buying iPads for hospitals and old age homes. 

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Dominoes is a great choice:- Dominoes can be a fun iPad game that the family will enjoy. There are various formats to choose from. Snail dominoes is a very suitable format for children. In this game, slugs are used in various ways to knock down tiles. Levels become more challenging as the game progresses. Adults will have fun with it too.

Monopoly is always fun:- Monopoly for iPad looks exactly like the original board game. Up to four people can play in desktop mode at the same time. The game consists of five environments and the house rules can be changed. Also, no one should be a banker because the game deals with this aspect.

Try Backgammon:- The goal of backgammon is to move the chips on the board to get into the house area. There is a version that can be played with two players. Family members can take turns competing against each other in this exciting board game.

Scrabble is Word Fun:- The family always enjoys this word game. Now available for iPad. Can be played with a maximum of four players. Scrabble can help anyone, young or old, improve their language skills. This is also an interesting game.