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Tag: guardianship attorney arizona

How Does A Guardianship Attorney Help You In Arizona?

Guardians are appointed by the court to make decisions concerning the adult’s welfare when there is an incapacity to do so. A guardian also has power over other persons, which may include managing all financial affairs of the guardian, control over day-to-day activities, and the power to appoint or remove a person appointed by the court as a guardian for the protected individual.

Guardianships can be created under state law, under a will or intestate succession, or pursuant to an order of the court. You can navigate to to know the benefits of guardianship attorneys in Arizona.

Temporary guardianship is used when someone with an incapacitated loved one needs care for only a short period of time. It is normally established for only one year, but may be extended if circumstances warrant it. 

A guardian is an adult or child who is appointed by the court to care for and protect the welfare of another person that may not be able to take care of him/herself due to illness, disability or incapacity. The court will appoint a guardian for someone who has been diagnosed with a particular medical condition.

This means that if a person has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, they can be granted guardianship over their assets and property so they don't become a danger to themselves or others. But there are several other situations where someone can be declared mentally incompetent and under the protection of the court.

The appointment of a guardian lasts until either the named person becomes competent and capable of self-care or until sooner revoked by the court which appointed him/her. If you are looking for a temporary guardianship in Arizona, contact the best legal team today to find out more information.