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Tag: electric essential oil diffuser

Everything You Need To Know About Essential Oils

Essential oils are a common ingredient in natural products. They can be used either by inhalation or topical application of diluted oils. Many people mistakenly believe that essential oils are easy to find and require no training or knowledge to use. 

Essential oils should only be purchased from trusted distributors who are experts in aromatherapy supplies. You can also buy the best essential oil products through various online sites.

Essentials Oils

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Many people have either read about aromatherapy or heard from a friend that a certain oil was good for their needs. However, essential oils can be dangerous if they are not used correctly. What do you know about these powerful botanicals and how can they harm your health?

What are essential oils?

Essential oils can be extracted from plants in a variety of ways, including bark, berries, flowers, and leaves. They can also be made from seeds or twigs.

The most common is steam distillation. This involves the use of pressurized steam to pass through plant material and cause oils to evaporate. The steam and oil mixture is condensed into a liquid and then the oil is skimmed.

You should also know that different types of the same plant may have different uses. High-altitude French lavender, for example, is most commonly used in skin products. 

There are many companies that make exaggerated claims about their products, and some that sell synthetic fragrances under the name of essential oils.