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Tag: alcoholism treatment

Facts About Treatment For Alcoholism

If you or someone you love is struggling with alcoholism, there is hope. Treatment for alcoholism can help get the person back on their feet and living a fulfilling life. Alcoholism is a chronic, relapsing disease that affects the brain and central nervous system. It's a problem with drinking alcohol that leads to problems such as social impairment, health issues, and even death.

There are many different types of alcoholism, but all stem from the same root: an inability to control how much alcohol people drink. People who drink excessively can't simply cut back; in fact, they may become increasingly dependent on booze over time. You can also know more about alcoholism treatment via Steps Together.

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The most common form of alcoholism is alcohol abuse. This means consuming too much alcohol in a short period of time (a binge) or chronically consuming more than is recommended (a habit). Alcohol abuse can lead to physical dangers, like car crashes or violence, but it can also lead to emotional risks like depression and anxiety.

Another type is dependence syndrome, which occurs when someone becomes so reliant on alcohol that it's damaging their physical and mental health. Dependence syndrome includes symptoms like tolerance withdrawal, cravings and blackouts. About 20 percent of people with alcoholism develop dependence syndrome.

Treatment for alcoholism ranges from conventional approaches like counseling and therapy. Alcoholism is a serious addiction to alcohol that results in problems with your physical and mental health. It's important to know the signs and symptoms of alcoholism so you can get help.