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What You Should Know About the Defense Base Act

What You Should Know About the Defense Base Act

A defense base act attorney is a lawyer who represents injured employees that are insured under the defense base act. The DBA provides national benefits very similar to employees' compensation to government and civilian contractors that are hurt or killed while working within an international military base.

Since the US has military bases throughout different areas of the world, DBA attorneys handle cases on a global scale. A defense base act lawyer can help employees who are hurt in any state with an energetic U.S. military or government existence.

 defence base act

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Choosing a Doctor Under the Defense Base Act

Government workers that are injured abroad have the right to seek advice from a physician of their own choice. While workers don't have any limitations in picking a physician, they need to get permission from their company or insurer if they would like to change physicians.

Employers can also send injured employees to a physician of their choice to get an independent medical examination to validate the demand for therapy and continuation of benefits. If the employee fails to attend this appointment, then their gains may stop.

Reasons to Hire an Attorney For The DBA Claim

Defense base act claims can be complicated and require different paperwork, multiple rounds of discussions with insurance companies, and assorted legal deadlines which may break or make your claim.

Because of this, it's very important to keep the assistance of a proficient defense base act lawyer who knows the nuances of the system and can optimize your chances of securing the advantages you want.