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What Is The Best Adventure Hiking Trips?

What Is The Best Adventure Hiking Trips?

Hiking is a great way to get out and see the beautiful world around us. Whether you are looking for an adventure or just want to enjoy the outdoors, these hiking trip ideas will provide you with just that. With vacation season winding down, now is a great time to plan your next hiking tours & trips.

There are so many great hiking trails out there for those who want to explore new and exciting places. From long hikes to short walks, there is something for everyone. However, not all trails are created equal. Which are the best adventure hiking trips? 

The first and most important criterion is the length of the hike. If you’re looking for a challenging trail that will take days to complete, look no further than Mount Kilimanjaro. This hike is up to 19,340 feet tall and can take anywhere from 10-days to a couple of weeks depending on your fitness level and experience. 

hiking adventure trips

If you’re looking for a shorter hike with some amazing scenery, try the Grand Canyon Trail. This trail only takes about three days to complete but offers stunning views of the canyon walls and the rushing river below. 

Finally, if you’re looking for an easy hike that will still provide plenty of adventure, check out the Garden of the Gods Trail in Colorado Springs. This short hike winds its way through some of Colorado’s tallest rockslides and will leave you feeling awe-inspired.