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Tag: Vehicle testing Dubai

What is a Vehicle Inspection And Procedure?

A Vehicle Inspection is a check-up of your car or truck, performed by a professional mechanic. It's important to have one every 6 months, and at least once a year for safety purposes. Navigate to this site for more information about vehicle testing in Dubai.

Here are the basic things you'll need to bring to your Vehicle Inspection: 

  • Your vehicle registration papers. 

  • Your car's driver's license and registration. 

  • Proof of insurance (your policy ID card or proof of auto insurance). 

  • A copy of your car's odometer reading. 

If you're registering your vehicle, bring the appropriate paperwork and fees as well. To save time at the inspection, bring a copy of the last inspection report. Your car will need to pass its Vehicle Inspection before you can register it in our city. If your vehicle fails a part of the inspection, you'll need to make repairs immediately to avoid receiving a "fail" grade.

Vehicle Inspection Dubai is a mandatory procedure that all drivers and owners of vehicles must undergo every 6 months. A Vehicle Inspection in Dubai is performed by an authorized and registered mechanic who will inspect the vehicle for safety, compliance with regulations and other necessary items. 

The Vehicle Inspection Dubai is divided into three parts: external, mechanical and optical. The external inspection will check the exterior of the vehicle for dents, scratches, flames or any other damage; the mechanical inspection will check the engine, transmission, brakes and wheel alignment; while the optical inspection will check for signs of accident or collision. 

If you find any issues during your Vehicle Inspection Dubai, you are required to bring them to the attention of the mechanic at the time of inspection. Make sure to have all relevant documents with you, such as your driving license, car registration and proof of insurance.