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Tag: Urology professionals

BPH Treatments In Urology

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a condition in which the prostate gland grows larger, often causing unpleasant urinary symptoms. 

This condition is common in men, and many don't even know they have it. Urology has many treatment options for men suffering from this condition. You can also visit a specialist at


BPH can sometimes be controlled with medications, such as alpha-blockers. Alpha reductase inhibitors may also be used to stop prostate growth. They prevent testosterone from turning into dihydrotestosterone, which can cause some men to have prostatic growth. 

Alpha-blockers may also be used to reduce the size of the prostate, which can help with symptoms. To ensure there are no side effects or complications, a urologist should monitor the treatment.

Laser Therapy

BPH is treated with urology. It involves removing a part of the prostate to alleviate symptoms. Laser therapy is one method to achieve this. Laser treatment uses a laser to remove a portion from the prostate gland and relieve the pressure.

Microwave Therapy

BPH microwave therapy is also available in Urology. This works by using microwaves to destroy some of the glands. To deliver the treatment directly to the gland, the transmitter is inserted into the urethra.


HIFU stands for High Intensity Focused ultrasound. The ultrasound waves can be used to remove some prostate cells. To deliver the ultrasound waves directly to the prostate gland, a rectal probe is required. The therapy uses ultrasound to take real-time images of the prostate gland. This reduces the potential complications associated with other BPH treatments. This treatment is currently being considered by the FDA in the United States by the urology community.