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Tag: Toilet Paper

Uses Of Wood And Recycled Bamboo Toilet Paper

The emergence of the new coronavirus has increased the use of household paper around the world. This has created some attention for papermaking. More and more bamboo sustainable products and recycled toilet paper are flooding the market.

In addition, buyers pay more attention to the health and environmental benefits of household paper. They want to know if they serve a greater purpose for our ecosystems and our health in general.

If you have the same curiosity, this article is a detailed analysis of the differences between paper (bamboo, wood and recycled) from raw materials to processing and production.

Wood toilet paper raw materials are mostly soft and hardwoods, the growth of which takes several years (decades or centuries). However, due to its long growing season, growing trees require a lot of energy and water to grow.

With this long period of growth of the tree comes a big problem – it becomes the raw material for the manufacture of paper. Data from researchers around the world shows that our use of toilet paper exceeds the rate of tree regeneration. That is, natural forests are cut down to meet our excessive needs.

This goes against the claims of many wood pulp and toilet paper brands around the world that their products come from more sustainable agricultural forests. Indeed, the growing demand for toilet towels has contributed to the growth of the paper industry worldwide. However, it also contributes to the deteriorating balance of the ecosystem as deforestation accelerates.

Pulp paper is paper made from high-quality wood through several processes. This includes, but is not limited to, cooking and cracking.