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Tag: pool cover

Making A Preventive Stop With Pool Covers

Summertime is approaching and it is already tempting to take a plunge in your swimming pool. Sunday gatherings and barbeque weekends beside the pool are becoming more and more popular during this time. But in as much as we would like to enjoy the poolside activities, danger also finds its space in every poolside gathering.

Statistics show that accidental pool drowning is one of the causes of deaths for children 5 years and under. And if we would try to analyze this, we would realize that the useless loss of children's lives could be completely prevented.

You can also purchase various types of electric pool covers at

On-Deck Track Automatic Swimming Pool Safety Covers Swimming pool safety, Small backyard pools, Pool patio

Securing the pool is very important if we want to prevent these children's deaths from happening. But draining the pool as a preventive measure would not ensure the safety of the children. Oftentimes, it contributes to the danger, as pools are still open. And if we only drain the water from the pool, the risk does not diminish.

The total solution to this problem is by using pool covers.

Pool covers are designed to keep the pool maintained if not in use while protecting your children from drowning. It will keep the children safe even if they play unattended near the pool.