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Tag: orthodontics

Orthodontics – Types Of Orthodontic Procedures

There are nine areas of dental specialization recognized by the American Dental Association and one of the most important for proper alignment of teeth is orthodontics.

This specialty is dedicated to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of misaligned teeth, also known as faulty occlusion. You can also book an appointment to get the best orthodontic treatment.

Although many people view orthodontic treatment as a cosmetic goal, in fact, orthodontic treatment has a number of other health goals as it improves eating and speaking abilities for many patients.

There are many different reasons that a dental patient needs to see a dentist. It's helpful to look at all these different reasons to learn more about the different types of orthodontic dentistry.

One of the main reasons for turning to orthodontics is to correct crooked teeth by placing them in straight, smooth lines. Crooked teeth can be caused by a number of factors and come in all shapes and sizes.

A good orthodontist can examine your mouth and develop a treatment plan to align your teeth and jaw with the latest technology.

There are traditional braces made of metal and wire, as well as clear brackets, depending on the type of treatment and your cosmetic preferences.

Some of the types of treatment that are part of orthodontics include obvious or invisible braces, straightening devices that can move teeth more quickly than other traditional methods, and traditional metal braces.

If you go the traditional route, you can opt for a set of colored brackets and rubber bands to match your smile during the treatment.

Finally, after the braces are removed, braces are usually used to hold your new, straight smile. They can be worn for a certain period of time or they can be worn at night for an indefinite period of time.