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Tag: microneedling procedure

Reduce Your Stretch Marks With Microneedling

If your body shape changes suddenly, be it from rapid weight loss or gain, pregnancy, or for any other reason, you may be left with stretch marks on your skin. Once stretch marks have appeared, they can be very difficult to get rid of. Microneedling is one of the most effective methods used for healing skin.

The micro-needling process is a non-invasive one, which is designed to rejuvenate the skin and leave it looking smooth and even-toned. Many patients experience the results they desire after just one session, although other patients do require a follow-up session to complete the process. You can also book a session for micro-needling from

The results will also be visible much quicker than they would be if you were to decide to use creams or lotions for an extended period of time. When the skin has properly healed following the micro-needling procedure, it will look much smoother and fresher than it did when it was covered in prevalent stretch marks.

For many candidates, this procedure is the ideal way to get rid of these marks permanently with only one treatment. Although this procedure isn't suitable for everyone, it can help a lot of different people to reduce the appearance of their stretch marks. One of the best ways to see if you would be a suitable candidate for this type of treatment is to discuss your stretch marks with a skincare expert.