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Tag: medical radiation shielding

What Does A Radiation Physicist Do?

A radiation physicist guarantees the security and decent performance of medical devices that use radiation sources. Professionals usually work in hospitals, oncology centers, universities, and specialized medical centers that provide radiology equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Radiation medical physicists should visit facilities to monitor radiation exposure, determine whether patients or health care professionals are at risk of exposure, and establish effective safety procedures.

Many machines and devices in hospitals depend on radiation origins to function properly. Testing machines such as x-ray devices and computed tomography machines, as well as cancer treatment devices such as linear bit accelerators, emit radiation that can be potentially dangerous if used inappropriately. You can also look for radiation oncology medical physicists for the best services.

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The job of a skilled radiation physicist is to ensure that these devices work properly and that patients, doctors, and others are not unduly exposed to harmful radiation. A specialist uses advanced measuring equipment to observe radiations and suggest safe dosages for patients.

A radiation scientist may also study and analyze the radiation effects of certain medical devices and make policy recommendations to increase their effectiveness and safety. Physicists are often held responsible for ensuring that hospitals comply with state and regional laws concerning radiation exposure, precautions, emergency procedures, and safety equipment. 

The professional may also conduct training sessions or workshops for other health care specialists to explain the safe running procedures of potentially hazardous equipment.