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Tag: Medical Institution

Video Remote Interpreting For Medical Institution

Are you interested in experimenting with VRI for deaf patients? Are you worried about the technology or your reaction to the patient? There is no reason to be afraid. 

Health care administrators, disability counselors along ADA compliance officers are on the obligation to provide interpreters in sign language for patients who are deaf or hard-of-hearing who speak in American Sign Language (ASL). If you are also in need of the same then you can visit for video sign interpreting.

Sign Language health Institute

As with anyone who is sick or scared deaf patients must be able to communicate their symptoms to their doctor to understand what's wrong and adhere to the directions of the doctor. 

Note: In an emergency situation in which a deaf person seeks an on-site interpreter has to be provided with an interpreter. VRI is not suitable for all types of interpreting assignments.

Prior to deciding whether you require VRI to be used, you should contact your hospital's technical support to confirm that your Internet network is able to handle the bandwidth for video and audio needed to support VRI. A good strategy is to contact your VRI provider and test your videoconferencing equipment/computer-webcam set up a day in advance. If the deaf person needs to make an appointment, scheduling an interpreter ahead of time can ensure an interpreter has an in-depth understanding of medical sign language.