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Tag: landscape design

Types Of Landscape Design

Landscape architects, landscape developers, and landscape designers are the most common types of garden designers. Landscape Architect A landscape architect is someone who holds a bachelor's degree in landscape architecture and is registered or licensed in your country. If you want to get the services of front land design, then you can check out the web.

Landscape architects are trained in engineering, architecture, soil suspension, drainage, design, etc. They may or may not have extensive knowledge of plants.

Villa Garden is considered an old-style garden. Consider using magnolias, hydrangeas, roses, and lilacs. The flowering perennials mentioned fit perfectly into this vision.

Herbs such as laurel, rosemary, blueberries, and figs also fit in the villa garden and fit perfectly into the style of this garden.

The Mediterranean garden style consists of high walls lined with tall olive, juniper, or cypress trees. A body of water or a pond with running water is often needed. Hang rosemary or another ground cover, running from a wall or in a large container. Lilacs around or near a wall like a formal fence are perfect. Plants that bloom in sharp whites, blues, or purples add this style to the garden. Bougainvillea is placed against a light-colored wall.

Formal/informal garden styles often come with brick walkways that exude formality. This path leads backward with crop circles. Designing and planning an English garden style, but no formal boundaries.