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Tag: hydraulic simulation software

Laser Welding And Simulation Software

The obtained butt weld properties were studied based on simulation of stress-strain analysis, experimental validation, destructive testing, and metallographic analysis.

Therefore the possibility of using hydraulic simulation software dedicated for welding simulation in order to predict parameters of laser dissimilar joint welding was presented, moreover, joint properties analysis based on simulation results was presented. 

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Welding of dissimilar materials is a complex problem and requires considering the weldability of two materials with different chemical compositions and thermophysical material properties.

Numerical simulation

The simulation process of laser welding uses a volumetric heat source based on a double cylindrical model. Therefore conical HS with upper radius 0.4mm, down radius 0.2mm, and depth geometry equal to 12mm, and disc HS (simulated laser absorption effect) with radius 0.5mm and depth 0.2mm was programmed. 

Laser welding of butt joints uses a single-pass process where a heat source moving along attached edges was simulated. Calculation of heat distribution during the welding process was performed in order to estimate weld and HAZ dimensions. 

Numerical simulation of the welding process was performed in 7 steps, with constant maximum output power equal to 6kW and speed rate between 800 – 2000 mm/min with step 200 mm/min. The laser welding simulation process was performed according to established boundary conditions.