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Tag: gifts for patients

Caring for a Loved One With Dementia

When a loved one is diagnosed with a debilitating disease such as Alzheimer's or dementia, it is important to contact an elder law attorney as soon as possible. An elder law attorney can ensure that all necessary legal documents are in place while the loved one is still competent and assist you in applying for government benefits. You can also surprise them with some gifts. You can browse the internet to find the best gifts for Alzheimers patients. 

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This guide to protecting a loved with Alzheimer's or Dementia is designed to help provide you with basic information and hopefully answer some of your questions.

Care Options for a loved one with a debilitating disease:

Besides a nursing home, there are other options to create a more customized care plan for your loved one.

1. In-Home Nursing:

In-home nurses can be hired through an agency or privately. If you desire to use Medicare or Medicaid to pay for the services then the caregiver must be hired through a licensed agency. Using an agency is often a better choice in the long run concerning in-home care.

Home health services funded by Medicare generally do not meet all of the patient's needs. Medicare will only cover aid services which are only a couple of hours for one to three days a week.

2. Adult Foster Care:

This is an option that allows you to care for a loved one if you work during the day. Adult Foster Care centers are normally very expensive but the expenses can be covered through Medicaid under the MI choice waiver program.

There are many professionals that can assist you with caring for your loved one at home including a geriatric care manager, friendly visitors, family caregiver support programs, and senior centers.