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Tag: best childcare center

Finding The Right Childcare Provider In Brookvale For Your Child

I am experiencing the fear of my pregnancy leave ending soon. I'm scheduled to return to work by June…so it's time to start looking for childcare. This is a nightmare! What can I do to be able to trust an uninvolved person with my son for eight hours a day? He's so small!  

I have often said "I didn't want my children to have a daycare raise them for me 5 days a week, 8 hours a day", and here I am. We went to an interview. Here's what I learned about asking and what to consider when choosing a leading childcare centre in Brookvale.

-How many kids do you watch? How old are they?

-Do you have kids? Is your husband home during the day?

-Do I pack a lunch and snacks? If not, what do you feed them? Where do they eat?

-Where are naps taken? Can I see?

-How big is your backyard? Is it fenced?

-How long have you been in childcare?

-Where do the kids spend most of their time? Can I see this area?

-Do you have any friends or relatives come by for visits during the day?

What to look for in the place:

-Is it childproofed? Bookshelves, tables, any glass, tablecloths, cords.

-How well she interacts with the other children – do they listen to her? Do they act scared of her?

-How does she discipline?

Finding a childcare provider that you trust and feel comfortable leaving your child with is not always easy. Take the time to talk to candidates, learn about them and their lives, what their beliefs and morals are. If any warning bells go off interview another daycare provider.