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Solutions For Lower Back Pain In Honolulu

Solutions For Lower Back Pain In Honolulu

Lower back pain kills! You find it hard to sit on your office chair. You find it hard to bend to pick a thing from the floor. You try to manage things, but you end up feeling frustrated and full of pain.

Here are some solutions for lower back pain which the back expert in Honolulu recommends so that you can get rid of the pain easily and get back to your normal life at the earliest.

First and foremost, do not strain your back muscles by working when they are down with pain. Put simply, take some rest if your back is hurting. Also, avoid bending down; this would only aggravate the pain.

Apply back pain lotion smoothly on your back. Let your kid or husband do it for you. And please, avoid household stuff for that day. Your family can manage, at least for a day. Once again, rest for a few hours and don't bend.

Take a pain reliever pill if the lotion doesn't help. There are some good pills that you'd get in the medical store. However, it is suggested that you speak to your family doctor and ask for appropriate medicine.

In most cases, lower back pain vanishes in a matter of days. However, if it continues to bother you and hinder your daily movements, then you should better see a back pain specialist or your family doctor.

Last, but not least, once you come out of the pain, avoid lifting heavyweight or doing entire household things on your own for at least a week. To strengthen your back, you can join Yoga classes or do brisk walking in the mornings and evenings, and ensure that you are taking a balanced diet that also includes a sufficient intake of calcium.