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Reasons To Choose Screen Enclosures

Reasons To Choose Screen Enclosures

When you add additional living space to your home, you and your family not only get a better standard of living but also increase the value of your home.

Whether you're turning an existing patio into a screen space or opening a new screen space from scratch, here is a solution to fit your needs screen enclosures. This system drastically reduces construction time so you can enjoy your new room in a few days.

 patio enclosures

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Screen enclosures are made of aluminum and offer unmatched strength, durability, and low maintenance. The aluminum extrusions don't rust and allow for years of trouble-free relaxation in your new screening room.

 The aluminum extrusions are available in three colors: white, bronze, and ivory, which can be contrasted to create a variety of modern looks.

The screen enclosures system offers corner screens in different colors and eye sizes to control heat and airflow so you can enjoy the best outdoors.

 Screen enclosures are the safest and best pest control. Keep annoying mosquitoes,  gnats, and ies away from your enjoyment of food, family, and friends.

 The screen space line includes vinyl windows and screen coverings and is designed for those who want to enjoy the “ natural feeling” without having to deal with the harsh weather. 

In the rooms, you can feel the fresh air of spring rain, the summer breeze without insects, and the cool and fresh autumn breeze.