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Face Masks for Children During COVID-19

Face Masks for Children During COVID-19

Masks remain a simple but effective way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. They are especially important for children who are too young to be vaccinated. A well-fitting and quality ASTM level 3 kids face mask reduces the chances of contracting COVID-19 and spreading the COVID-19 infection to others. 

Face masks are highly recommended for:

Vaccinated and unvaccinated people over 2 years of age in areas of countries with high rates of COVID-19 transmission. People with impaired immunity may not have developed a full immune response to the vaccine and are at high risk if they get sick.

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People who want to protect their family members are at risk. If you have a medically infirm child or vulnerable adult in your household, you should consider having someone who is not fully vaccinated at home wear a mask at home to protect them.

Children and adolescents with special medical care can be vaccinated but are still at greater risk if they get sick. You are also advised to wear a mask at home if someone you live with has symptoms of COVID-19 or tests positive.

For very young children, it's not wrong to think their face masks can be a challenge. Expect to be very gentle in reminding your child not to touch your face mask. 

As the wearing of masks increases by adults and their peers, they will learn to follow instructions. Just as children understand the need to wear bicycle helmets and fasten their seatbelts in car seats, they will learn to wear masks correctly and regularly when needed.